Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Essential Questions (2nd revision)

This post was to show you which idea i picked and trough what process. If you can't see it the chosen product is (as shown in an earlier post) is the manual counter.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

As You can see the person is short and has to
reach up to use the cabinet and it is tough to reach the
top part to the cabinet.

so this is to show the proportions of the product.

Pictures of actual product

This the entire kitchen set

Version 2: This is the actual product with the manual adjustable cabinets

Version 2: This is the automated counter the original design

Version 2 and 3 (the feasible one) and the entire kitchen set and how the cabinets are integrated.

The second image being the chosen one.

Product design

My product design is a overhead kitchen cabinet that can move so that the elderly can reach the cabinet at ease whilst saving space as we can use the inaccessible space near the celling while still making it easy to reach.

I came up with this idea while thinking about how i saw my grandmother trying to reach for something in the overhead cabinets.

I thought that it would be good to bring it down and just leave it there but then realized that it would be too messy if i had just brought down all the cups and plates and such.

At first i thought i could invent a robotic arm inside the cabinet to bring the cups and plates down but that would be too expensive so i decided to come up with a system that will enable the cabinet to move up and down. I stuck to the automated feature of it moving up and down automatically but then changed it to manual for ease of a working model as well as lower cost.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

A Tribute to the Elderly and how to help them

They should create elderly friendly homes which will help to make the lives of the elderly more manageable such as something that will create ease when getting to the toilet or having ease when it comes to accessing higher cupboards.

Convenience for elderly to help them to make the world more accessible to them. things such as the recent bus update the wheelchair friendly bus would be helpful to the elderly.

Caring for the elderly with methods such as cheaper medicine and this will make the life expectancy of singapore due to the longer life spans f our elderly.

There should be more activities for the elderly to participate in rather than having nothing to do all day. But such activities should not consist of things like cleaning services.

To make our HDB's more accessible for the elderly we should build more ramps and create more lifts in order to help them.

We can care for them using the volunteer work form various schools around singapore as that would be cost free service for the elderly. While helping the students to gain CIP hours.

We can also lower the price of products and services for the elderly to make it more affordable for them.

I can care for them using the volunteer work as that would be cost free service for the elderly. While helping the me to gain CIP hours.

I can create a elderly friendly product to that is cheap and that will improve their lives

I can ask the school to bring us to more volunteer centers more often

Elderly Challenge part 1

I would like to highlight the one that says how can we shape the society such that it is more elderly friendly friendly because this will help to make it easier for the elderly to get around and such so it is not such an inconvenience to move around some solutions are already in place such as the wheel chair friendly busses. they should also build more train stations around the part of the neighborhood that is not near very popular areas and at places that will require it more such as elderly homes hospitals and clinics .